25. I love to drive fast.
24. I can’t Sing
23. I’m a sucker for 3 C’s. (Chocolates, Coke and Caesar’s Salad)
22. I have the ugliest penmanship
21. I’m a Frustrated Office Girl.
20. My favorite Colors are Red, White and Pink.
19. I hate chatting on the net
18. Shopping is my passion
17. Music is my escape
16. Addicted to Bags
15. Doesn’t drink homemade coffee
14. Loves to hang-out with friends ( the real ones) until dawn
13. Still using my old cell phone and camera but never gets “sawa”
12. Likes to Travel
11. Always puts on sunblock.
10. Obsessed with Bikinis
9. My greatest wish in life is to have a sister
8. I Dance to Lady Gaga’s ,Rihanna’s and PCD’s music
7. My regular shower takes about 30-45 minutes
6. I’m not a glutonic eater, I eat when I’m hungry
5. My BR’s color is red.
4. M-o-o-d-y
3. Have a great mother
2. Always and always will be Tata’s Little girl
1. I’m happily Married...