1. How tall are you barefoot?
>5’2 so what??
2. Cash or Card?
> ATM cards
3. What’s a word that rhymes with DOOR?
4. Favorite planet?
> Mother Earth
5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
> My mom
6. What is your favorite ring tone on your phone?
> Labels or Love by Fergie
7. What shirt are you wearing?
> Floral peach spag strap
8. Do you label yourself?
> Should I???
9. What is the favorite thing you do when you’re bored?
> Shop!
10. Bright or Dark Room?
> Dark Room...
11. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?
> Answered the survey out of boredom just like me
12. What does your watch look like?
> Anne Klein watch, gift given by my mom.
13. What were you doing at midnight last night?
> Reading Blogs.
14. What did your last text message you received on your cell say?
>“ Luv u baby… - Carlo”
15. Where is your nearest 7-11?
> Just 2 blks. away, I think.
16. What's a word that you say a lot?
> OMG!
17. Who told you he/she loved you last?
> My husband, always.
18. Last furry thing you touched?
> Dog at the pet shop
19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days?
> I take vit. E and vit. C everyday
20. What is your favorite chocolate?
> Toblerone, Cadbury, Hershey, Lindt
21. Favorite age you have been so far?
>Definitely 20!!!
22. Your worst enemy?
> Warm weather & Taxi drivers in the metro (they are the worst!!!)
23. What is your current desktop picture?
> Pre-nup picture
24. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
> My engagement ring
25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly what would it be?
> Fly and tour around the world.
26. Do you love someone?
> My Hubby
27. The last song you listened to?
> Careless Whisper??? Haha… It’s been playing everywhere.
28. What time of day were you born?
> I don’t know. I’m not sure
29. What’s your favorite number?
> Lucky 7
30. Where did you live in 1987?
> San Jose Road, Zamboanga City
31. Are you jealous of anyone?
> Nope, not ever. I love my life.
32. Is anyone jealous of you?
> Mongrels...
33. Where were you when 9/11 happened?
> I was at school with friends
34. What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
> deadma…
35. Do you consider yourself kind?
36. If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
> Right Upper side of my back. I wish
37. If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?
> French
38. Last thing that made you laugh?
>Rexona’s TV commercial
39. What is your favorite book?
> Twilight Saga Series
40. What’s your life motto?
>Live life like there’s no tomorrow.
41. Name three things that you have on you at all times?
> Loreal blush on, Lip venom, ATM
42. What’s your favorite town/city?
>Hongkong Island, HK
43. What was the last thing you paid for with cash?
>Black and White Dress
44. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it?
>Geeee…. 2 years ago???
45. Can you change the oil on a car?
46. Name the last 3 things you have bought lately:
> Dress, Globe Prepaid Card, Bracelet
47. Favorite color?
> Red, White and Pink
48. Who is your loudest friend?
> Almost everyone is.
49. Does anything hurt on your body right now?
>yeah, my head.
50. Have you been burned by love?
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Luscious Lusting
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The Insomniac

It’s 3 am and I’m still up, awake and kicking. Ever since Carlo started working out of town, I had difficulties going to sleep. My sleeping pattern has been altered. I don’t know if this is just psychological per se, It’s only been almost six months since we started living together. I mean, I’m accustomed to sleeping alone before we got married and never had any problems with it. I was always the sleeping beauty, whose favorite pastime is sleeping. Now, all I want is to get rid of sleepless nights and be able to sleep lightly.
It’s quite difficult not to be able to sleep at least 6 -8 hours a day. Having sleepless nights is like turning the world upside down. If I don’t get enough doze the next day I’m groggy and everything’s doesn’t fit right. It’s like being sick without a cause. My body is so fragile that it cannot tolerate few hours lack of sleep. My daily routine has been greatly affected. And I’m having a hard time getting myself on track. Dealing with sleeplessness sucks.
I’ve done some research…
And here’s what I got…

In·som·ni·a : Chronic inability to fall asleep or remain asleep for an adequate length of time.
Insomnia is a common disorder. One in 3 adults has insomnia sometimes. One in 10 adults has chronic insomnia.
Insomnia affects women more often than men. The condition can occur at any age. However, older adults are more likely to have insomnia than younger people.
People who may be at higher risk for insomnia include those who:
*Have a lot of stress.
*Are depressed or who have other emotional distress, such as divorce or death of a spouse.
*Have lower incomes.
*Work at night or have frequent major shifts in their work hours.
*Travel long distances with time changes.
*Have certain medical conditions or sleep disorders that can disrupt sleep.
*Have an inactive lifestyle.
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Insomnia?
The main symptom of insomnia is trouble falling and/or staying asleep, which leads to lack of sleep. If you have insomnia, you may:
*Lie awake for a long time before you fall asleep
*Sleep for only short periods
*Be awake for much of the night
*Feel as if you haven't slept at all
*Wake up too early
Some helpful Tips for us Insomniacs:
>Set a
sleep schedule, and stick to it!Aim to go to bed and get up at the same time each day. Yes, even on weekends. This keeps your internal body clock on track and encourages naturally restorative sleep.
>Create a calming bedtime routineA pre-sleep ritual, such as a relaxing bath followed by a glass of warm milk or cup of herbal tea, helps your body and brain prepare for sleep. Practicing relaxation techniques like meditation or breathing exercises can also be helpful.
>Protect your sleep environmentTurn your bedroom into your own personal sleep sanctuary. Keep the temperature comfortable, the lights low, and make it a 'clutter-free zone'. Use your bedroom for sleep (and lovemaking) only, no work, hobbies, TV.... or heated arguments!
>If you can't sleep, get up!Instead of tossing and turning for hours, if you're still wide-awake after 30 minutes of being in bed (or wake up and stay that way for 30 mins or more).... get up. >Leave your bedroom and do something quiet and relaxing such as reading a book (dull only, no thrillers!), or listening to classical/calming music. Continue until you feel sleepy, then go back to bed and try again.
>Avoid the 'sleep-stealers'An important part of any list of insomnia tips is information on what to avoid if you want to sleep at night. Certain foods, drinks and activities can really get in the way of a good night's sleep.
1. Don't drink caffeinated beverages. Coffee, coca cola, chocolate, many soft/carbonated drinks and non-herbal teas all contain caffeine. Avoid these in the hours leading up to bedtime.
2. Don't eat a large/heavy/spicy meal in the evening. Try to eat your biggest meal of the day at lunchtime, and stick to foods that encourage the release of tryptophan or serotonin for dinner (these include dairy products, whole wheat products, certain nuts and carbohydrate-rich foods).
3. Don't drink alcohol within 4 hours of going to bed. After the initial sedative/relaxing effect has worn off, alcohol will leave you restless and unable to achieve deep sleep. It's also a diuretic, which will cause you to make a few extra trips to the bathroom overnight. It can also make sleep problems such as snoring and sleep apnea worse.
4. Don't 'watch the clock'. If you lie in bed watching the minutes creep by and agonizing over how much sleep you're missing, you're only going to make the situation worse. Turn your clock so that you can't see the face, and refuse to check it if you do wake up!
5. Don't smoke. The nicotine in cigarettes and cigars is a stimulant, and will prevent you from relaxing enough to get a decent nights sleep. It can also increase your risk of nightmares and other sleep disturbances. Giving up smoking is the best answer, but if you can't do that, at least don't smoke in the hours leading up to bedtime.
6. Don't take long daytime naps. If you're so tired that it's not safe to get behind the wheel of your car (or chop the veggies for dinner), a short 10-minute nap can be a lifesaver. BUT... don't sleep for longer than that or it will only make your insomnia worse and prevent you from sleeping properly that night.
7. Don't exercise close to bedtime. Regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, and if you exercise before mid-afternoon your sleep will reap the benefits. However, exercising should be limited to no later than 3 hours (5 - 6 is better) before your normal bedtime. Otherwise the endorphins and chemicals coursing through your body, plus the elevated brain activity, will keep you awake into the wee hours.
Oh, well…
Hoping to regain my trance back tonight…

"Should've known better not to cheat a friend"
The Last Song Syndrome
Careless Whisper by Hayden Kho and Katrina Halili
And for the Part II of this video, ahhh... never mind... sigh!
Lesson for the Day: "Cheaters never win"
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Lady Gaga @ Ellen's
Lady Gaga is rockin' my world. She's so amazing, very talented and certainly one of a kind.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Bangui Windmills
Experiencing a close encounter with Bangui windmills in Ilocos Norte last April 2009.
Take a look...
Video by: My Hubby...
Take a look...
Video by: My Hubby...
25 Things You Dont Know About Me

25. I love to drive fast.
24. I can’t Sing
23. I’m a sucker for 3 C’s. (Chocolates, Coke and Caesar’s Salad)
22. I have the ugliest penmanship
21. I’m a Frustrated Office Girl.
20. My favorite Colors are Red, White and Pink.
19. I hate chatting on the net
18. Shopping is my passion
17. Music is my escape
16. Addicted to Bags
15. Doesn’t drink homemade coffee
14. Loves to hang-out with friends ( the real ones) until dawn
13. Still using my old cell phone and camera but never gets “sawa”
12. Likes to Travel
11. Always puts on sunblock.
10. Obsessed with Bikinis
9. My greatest wish in life is to have a sister
8. I Dance to Lady Gaga’s ,Rihanna’s and PCD’s music
7. My regular shower takes about 30-45 minutes
6. I’m not a glutonic eater, I eat when I’m hungry
5. My BR’s color is red.
4. M-o-o-d-y
3. Have a great mother
2. Always and always will be Tata’s Little girl
1. I’m happily Married...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
ubberrr hot laptop bags
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